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Supported Housing and Case Management


Housing First

In 2009, we started providing health care services to people living on the streets or experiencing homelessness. This initiative gave us important insights, especially showing the need for housing support for those with complex health needs. In 2015, we launched MOSH Housing First to help people who had been chronically homeless. Over the years, we have seen how important it is for non-profits to own and provide supported housing to ensure individuals succeed. Now, in its seventh year, we manage and operate 11 housing projects across HRM. Our team includes a manager, four Intensive Case Managers, and two Housing Support Workers, with additional support from an Occupational Therapist provided by the Nova Scotia Health Authority.

We focus on helping specific groups that often experience homelessness or have complex health needs, including African Nova Scotian, Indigenous, and Trans and gender-expansive communities. We also support individuals from all communities who face complex health needs, substance use issues, and mental health challenges. We offer several housing support projects based on the following principles:

  • Trauma-informed and culturally safe support
  • Support centered around individual choice and harm reduction
  • Belief in everyone’s ability to recover and maintain housing
  • Separation of support services from housing

Collaborative Projects Sub Heading

The Overlook

A harm reduction, peer-supported housing project with capacity to house 65 tenants with active drug and/or alcohol use, chronic health conditions, lengthy experiences with homelessness, and/or engagement in sex work. The Affordable Housing Association of NS (AHANS) acts as the landlord, while NECHC provides 24/7 on-site, on-demand harm reduction supports to tenants. The Overlook team includes full-time and part-time Harm Reduction Housing Workers, a Nurse-led clinical team, a Harm Reduction Counselor, PCW/CCA’s, an Occupational Therapist (OT), and an End of Life Care Coordinator.

The Blue House

The Blue House is specifically designed to support African Nova Scotian individuals facing multiple barriers to housing. It provides housing for 11 individuals in 4 separate apartments.The project involves a community advisory group to ensure a shared vision and commitment to creating a supportive environment that nurtures healing and well-being. The Blue House underwent significant renovations to provide communal areas for gathering and sharing meals, as well as comfortable private bedrooms. The design includes large windows for natural light and ventilation, and modernized dormers for views of the Halifax Harbour and Saint George’s Round Church.

Compton House

A supported housing project for African Nova Scotian individuals (who identify as male) facing multiple barriers to housing. It houses 11 individuals in 4 separate apartments. NECHC collaborates with community partners to provide support through Intensive Case Managers (ICMs) or Housing Support Workers (HSWs). A community advisory was formed to build a shared vision and commitment to the project.

Location & Contact


EJ Davis, Director of Supported Housing

Heather Jarvis, Manager of Supported Housing

Ty Silver, Housing First Manager

