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The North End Community Health Centre is a non-profit organization – a fact very few people realize. We rely on the generosity of individual and corporate donations, as well as grants from foundations and government programs. Please consider making a donation to the NECHC today.

One-time Gift

A one-time gift will make a profound and lasting difference for members of our community. Make it in memory or tribute of a family member or friend.

It is because of the generosity of donors that we are able to offer the services and programs our community needs. With your help and financial contribution, you can help us ensure the North End community has the resources they need to live healthy, productive lives.

In-Kind Gifts
Do you have an item you think we can use at the North End Community Health Association? For example: cell phones

Please contact us!

Friends of the North End Monthly Giving Program

The Friends of the North End Monthly Giving Program was established by a group of community leaders who wanted to give back to the North End community in a meaningful way. With the knowledge that NECHC does receive some government funding, it certainly does not cover all of our programs and outreach. This fund helps to cover costs that many of our grants and provincial funding are not able to, such as blood collection services for our patients, MOSH (Mobile Outreach Street Health) program, our pre-natal program, the Good Food Box and a host of other activities.

For example, NECHC set up a blood collection program for clients of the clinic as a way to ensure our patients were getting their regular blood testing done as going to one of the main Health Centres is a deterrent for many of our clients. This has been hugely successful and highly appreciated by our clients, however, NECHC incurs a cost for doing this, including the supplies required and the delivery costs.

When you become a monthly donor, your gift provides consistent and stable funding that lets us make long-term plans to enhance our services and programs.

How to donate

By Phone:
By Cheque:

Payable to:
The North End Community Health Centre
2131 Gottingen Street, Suite 500
Halifax, NS B3K 5Z7
Ask for Heather St. Pierre at the clinic reception, Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm

Major Gifts

Considering making a gift of $5,000 or more? Our team can show you how you might structure your gift, and work with you to ensure it delivers the impact you want it to.

Stocks or Securities Donation

Did you know that if you donate your appreciated stock to us, you pay no tax on capital gains? Donate gifts of stock or marketable securities, now or through your estate, and realize impressive tax savings while supporting the health and wellness of our North End community.

Legacy Giving

There are so many different ways to give. From bequests to life insurance to gifts of property, we can help you plan a gift that will change the lives of people in our community.


When you partner with NECHC to deliver health and wellness services to the North End community, you are doing more than just paying for supplies and medical equipment, you’re helping to build a stronger, healthier community. There are many ways for organizations to support NECHC. Choose the one that’s right for you. Connect with us to talk about a partnership opportunity that aligns with your company’s goals.

To learn more about how you can make a meaningful gift to the North End Community Health Centre, please contact:

Heather St. Pierre

Director, Development & Strategic Initiatives

Strong Community, Healthy People.

Bringing Health Care Services to the HRM since 1971.