We offer a caring environment where people are treated with respect and dignity where there is equitable access to services.
The North End Community Health Centre (NECHC) has been a pillar of accessible healthcare for more than half a century. It was initially established in Halifax’s North End through the pioneering efforts of three visionary women who successfully engaged a team of physicians from Dalhousie Medical School to create the area’s first primary health clinic. Today, the NECHC has expanded its reach beyond Gottingen St, serving the broader HRM community through various satellite locations, supportive housing properties, and the mobile outreach.
As a non-profit organization, NECHC is generously supported through various grants and charitable donations. We are proud to partner with the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness and the Nova Scotia Health Authority to ensure everyone in our community has access to quality health services.
Our Mission
We support health and well-being in our community through quality primary health care, education and advocacy in an environment in which people are treated with respect and dignity and there is equitable access to services and programs.
Our Vision
Strong community
Healthy people
Our Values

Leadership Team
Marie-France LeBlanc, President and CEO mleblanc@nechc.com
EJ Davis, Director of Supported Housing ejdavis@nechc.com
Heather Hayman, NP, Director of Primary Care hhayman@nechc.com
Lana MacLean, MSW, RSW Director of Community and Mental Health lmaclean@nechc.com
Nathan N., Director of Human Resources and Administration nnobantu@nechc.com
Heather St. Pierre Director of Development & Strategic Initiatives hstpierre@nechc.com
Jonathan Zinck, CPA, CA Director of Finance and Operations jzinck@nechc.com
The NECHC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of members of the community, who bring professional skills, knowledge and expertise to guide the organization. They oversee our strategic direction and financial management.
2024/2025 Board of Directors
Michael Sherwood, Chair
Jacob MacIsaac, Vice Chair
Fred MacGillivray
Ken Power
Lysa McGrath
Michael Haddad
Lisa Caron
Lisa Delaney
Mary Lynn Van Tassel
Alexa Yakubovich
Get Involved
As a non-profit organization, we rely on our passionate team and the generosity of individuals, corporate donations, and grants.